Killer Instict on PC - is it really free to play?

GAMING Getting my first impression of Killer Instinct, available as a free download in the Microtransactionsoft® Windows 10™ app store. Surprised I could even play the game at all without spending jack squat. However...

Well, I guess you could technically play the game to a large extent without spending anything. There will only be a single playable character available at a time, however, but it rotates every week to the following guy/gal in the list. Every other character (that's greyed out in the picture below) needs to be purchased in order to unlock it straight away.

Flavour of the week: Sabrewulf

The only character I'm really interested in trying out myself though, would be Rash from Battletoads... So, I guess I'll take another look at the game in JUST 20 WEEKS from now! Cowabunga...

Video Review

Also be sure to check out GWC's very in-depth video review of the game below: